- Have a read of Maya Tickell-Painter's blog on the last 24 hours of the UN COP17 Summit in Durban, December 2011, on our previous website here.
Healthy Planet UK's 'Ode to Kyoto':
Our delegation wanted to persuade the delegates in Durban to save the Kyoto Protocol.
So they thought... what better way to express that love than through song?
So they thought... what better way to express that love than through song?
Some videos made by Danny Hutley in Durban: "A four-year challenge to us all"
What happened in Durban?
In Durban, Canada, Japan and Russia stated that they would not take on further Kyoto targets, in spite of pressure from developing countries and NGOs. After two weeks of negotiations in Durban, a deal was reached only on the last day after a 60-hour marathon negotiation session. Negotiators agreed to be part of a legally binding treaty, the terms of which are to be defined by 2015 and become effective in 2020. The agreement, referred to as the "Durban platform", for the first time it includes developing countries such as China and India, as well as the US which refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Read more here.